Stop these immoral harmful cuts

Call on the Government to honour their pledges to disabled people

The Government must not make drastic cuts to benefits for disabled people.

Disabled activists who work with and advise Church Action on Poverty say the further dismantling of crucial welfare support threatens to impoverish them, and flies in the face of Government promises and evidence. It is immoral, harmful and based on misleading spin.

Stef Benstead, Mary Passeri and Sydnie Corley - members of our Speaking Truth to Power panel - have joined with other disability activists all over the country to call for the threatened cuts to be cancelled. Click here to read about how the cuts will affect them.

In December, these activists met the minister for disability, Sir Stephen Timms MP, who said that disabled people would be at the heart of the Government’s actions.

Please email your MP now. Ask them to urge Mr Timms to honour that pledge. 

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